November 10, 2008
from Bob Dylan
(Sent to the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
after he received the Tom Paine Award at the
Bill of Rights dinner on December 13, 1963.)
to anybody it may concern...
mr lamont?
countless faces I do not know
an all fighters for good things that I can not see
when I speak of bald heads, I mean bald minds
when I speak of the seashore, I mean the restin shore
I dont know why I mentioned either of them
my life runs in a series of moods
in private an in personal ways, sometimes,
I, myself, can change the mood I'm in t the
mood I'd like t be in. when I walked thru the
doors of the americana hotel, I needed to change
my mood... for reasons inside myself.
I am a restless soul
perhaps wretched
it is hard to hear someone you dont know, say
"this is what he meant t say" about something
you just said
for no one can say what I meant t say
absolutely no one
at times I even cant
that was one of those times
my life is lived out daily in the places I feel
most confortable in. these places are places where
I am unknown an unstared at. I perform rarely, an
when I do, there is a constant commotion burnin
at my body an at my mind because of the attention
aimed at me. instincts fight my emotions an fears
fight my instincts...
I do not claim t be smart by the standards set up
I dont even claim to be normal by the standards
set up
an I do not claim to know any kind of truth
but like an artist who puts his painting (after
he's painted it) in front of thousands of unknown
eyes, I also put my song there that way
(after I've made it)
it is as easy an as simple as that
I can not speak. I can not talk
I can only write an I can only sing
perhaps I should've sung a song
but that wouldn't a been right either
for I was given an award not to sing
but rather on what I have sung
no what I should've said was
"thank you very much ladies an gentlemen"
yes that is what I should've said
but unfortunatly... I didn't
an I didn't because I did not know
I thought something else was expected of me
other than just sayin "thank you"
an I did not know what it was
it is a fierce heavy feeling
thinkin something is expected of you
but you dont know what exactly it is...
it brings forth a wierd form of guilt
I should've remembered
"I am BOB DYLAN an I dont have t speak
I dont have t say nothin if I dont wanna"
I didn't remember
I constantly asked myself while eatin supper
"what should I say? what should I tell 'm?
everybody else is gonna tell 'm something"
but I could not answer myself
I even asked someone who was sittin nex t me
an he couldn't tell me neither. my mind blew
up an needless t say I had t get it back in its
rightful shape (whatever that might be) an so
I escaped from the big room... only t hear my
name being shouted an the words "git in here
git in here" overlappin with the findin of my
hand being pulled across hundreds of tables
with the lights turned on strong... guidin me
back t where I tried t escape from
"what should I say? what should I say?"
over an over again
oh God, I'd a given anything not t be there
"shut the lights off at least"
people were coughin an my head was poundin
an the sounds of mumble jumble sank deep in
my skull from all sides of the room
until I tore everything loose from my mind
an said "just be honest, dylan, just be honest"
an so I found myself in front of the plank
like I found myself once in the path of a car
an I jumped...
jumped with all my bloody might
just tryin t get out a the way
but first screamin one last song
when I spoke of Lee Oswald, I was speakin of the times
I was not speakin of his deed if it was his deed.
the deed speaks for itself
but I am sick
so sick
at hearin "we all share the blame" for every
church bombing, gun battle, mine disaster,
poverty explosion, an president killing that
comes about.
it is so easy t say "we" an bow our heads together
I must say "I" alone an bow my head alone
for it is I alone who is livin my life
I have beloved companions but they do not
eat nor sleep for me
an even they must say "I"
yes if there's violence in the times then
there must be violence in me
I am not a perfect mute.
I hear the thunder an I cant avoid hearin it
once this is straight between us, it's then an
only then that we can say "we" an really mean
it... an go on from there t do something about
When I spoke of Negroes
I was speakin of my Negro friends
from harlem
an Jackson
selma an birmingham
atlanta pittsburg, an all points east
west, north, south an wherever else they
might happen t be.
in rat filled rooms
an dirt land farms
schools, dimestores, factories
pool halls an street corners
the ones that dont own ties
but know proudly they dont have to
not one little bit
they dont have t be like they naturally aint
t get what they naturally own no more 'n anybody
else does
it only gets things complicated
an leads people into thinkin the wrong things
black skin is black skin
It cant be covered by clothes an made t seem
acceptable, well liked an respectable...
t teach that or t think that just tends the
flames of another monster myth...
it is naked black skin an nothin else
if a Negro has t wear a tie t be a Negro
then I must cut off all ties with who he has
t do it for.
I do not know why I wanted t say this that
perhaps it was just one of the many things
in my mind
born from the confusion of my times
when I spoke about the people that went t Cuba
I was speakin of the free right t travel
I am not afraid t see things
I challenge seein things
I am insulted t the depths of my soul
when someone I dont know commands that I
cant see this an gives me mysterious reasons
why I'll get hurt if I do see it... tellin me
at the same time about goodness an badness in
people that again I dont know...
I've been told about people all my life
about niggers, kikes, wops, bohunks, spicks, chinks,
an I been told how they eat, dress, walk, talk,
steal, rob, an kill but nobody tells me how any
of 'm feels... nobody tells me how any of 'm cries
or laughs or kisses. I'm fed up with most newspapers,
radios, tv an movies an the like t tell me. I want
now t see an know for myself...
an I accepted that award for all others like me
who want t see for themselves... an who dont want
that God-given right taken away
stolen away
or snuck out from beneath them
yes a travel ban in the south would protect
Americans more, I'm sure, than the one t Cuba
but in all honesty I would want t crash that
one too
do you understand?
do you really understand?
I mean I want t see. I want t see all I can
everyplace there is t see it
my life carries eyes
an they're there for one reason
the reason t see thru them
my country is the Minnesota-North Dakota territory
that's where I was born an learned how t walk an
it's where I was raised an went t school... my
youth was spent wildly among the snowy hills an
sky blue lakes, willow fields an abandoned open
pit mines. contrary t rumors, I am very proud of
where I'm from an also of the many blood streams that
run in my roots. but I would not be doing what
I'm doing today if I hadn't come t New York. I was
given my direction from new york. I was fed in
new york. I was beaten down by new york an I was
picked up by new york. I was made t keep going on
by new york. I'm speakin now of the people I've met
who were strugglin for their lives an other peoples'
lives in the thirties an forties an the fifties
an I look t their times
I reach out t their times
an, in a sense, am jealous of their times
t think I have no use for "old" people is a betrayin thought
those that know me know otherwise
those that dont, probably're baffled
like a friend of mine, jack elliott, who says he
was reborn in Oklahoma, I say I was reborn in
New York...
there is no age limit stuck on it
an no one is more conscious of it than I
yes it is a fierce feeling, knowin something you
dont know about's expected of you. but it's worse
if you blindly try t follow with explodin words
(for that's all they can do is explode)
an the explodin words're misunderstood
I've heard I was misunderstood
I do not apologize for myself nor my fears
I do not apologize for any statement which led
some t believe "oh my God! I think he's the one
that really shot the president"
I am a writer an a singer of the words I write
I am no speaker nor any politician
an my songs speak for me because I write them
in the confinement of my own mind an have t cope
with no one except my own self. I dont have t face
anyone with them until long after they're done
no I do not apologize for being me nor any part of me
but I can return what is rightfully yours at any
given time. I have stared at it for a long while
now. it is a beautiful award. there is a kindness
t Mr Paine's face an there is almost a sadness in
his smile. his trials show thru his eyes. I know
really not much about him but somehow I would like
t sing for him. there is a gentleness t his way.
yes thru all my flounderin wildness, I am, when it
comes down to it, very proud that you have given this
t me. I would hang it high, an let my friends see in
it what I see, but I also would give it back if
you wish. There is no sense in keepin it if you've
made a mistake in givin it. for it means more'n any
store bought thing an it'd only be cheatin t keep it
also I did not know that the dinner was a donation
dinner. I did not know you were gonna ask anyone
for money. an I understand you lost money on the
masterful way I expressed myself... then I am in debt t you
not a money debt but rather a moral debt
if you'd a sold me something, then it'd be a money debt
but you sold nothin, so it is a moral debt
an moral debts're worse 'n money debts
for they have t be paid back in whatever is missin
an in this case, it's money
please send me my bill
an I shall pay it
no matter what the sum
I have a hatred of debts an want t be even in
the best way I can
you needn't think about this, for money means
very little t me
so then
I'll return once again t the road
I cant tell you why other people write, but I
write in order to keep from going insane.
my head, I expect'd turn inside out if my hands
were t leave me.
but I hardly ever talk about why I write. an I
scarcely ever think about it. the thought of it is
too alarmin
an I never ever talk about why I speak
but that's because I never do it. this is the
first time I am talkin about it... an I pray
the last
the thought of doing it again is too scary
ha! it's a scary world
but only once in a while huh?
I love you all up there an the ones I dont love,
it's only because I do not know them an have not
seen them... God it's so hard hatin. it's so
tiresome... an after hatin something to death,
it's never worth the bother an trouble
out! out! brief candle
life's but an open window
an I must jump back thru it now
see yuh
respectfully an unrespectfully
(sgd) bob dylan
October 19, 2008
October 15, 2008
October 06, 2008
October 03, 2008
September 30, 2008
September 22, 2008
September 19, 2008
No Direction Home.
Me quedo con la identidad. Con lo auténtico. Con el brillo de los ojos. Con la consecuencia y el cambio. Con la honestidad. Con la lealtad con uno mismo. Con el valor y el coraje. Con la libertad. Con la capacidad de reirse del mundo. De reirse también de uno mismo.
Me quedo con Dylan. Latiendo aquí adentro. Llenando mi cabeza de lecciones, emociones, frases que hacen sentido. Me quedo con Bob en los oídos. Con su brillo en mis ojos, con su fuego en mis palabras.
Let me forget about today until tomorrow...
September 07, 2008
Pienso que estos tiempos ya no son tan agitados, que las injusticias son menos evidentes, la represión y el abuso de derechos humanos no forma parte de mi realidad. Y luego no. Me retracto. Me desmiento. Abro los ojos y miro el mundo. Cómo puedo ser tan ignorante. Tantas cosas por hacer. Tanta violencia. Tanta injusticia. Tanta hambre.
Y dónde estoy yo hoy? dónde está mi coraje???
September 06, 2008
La muerte que todo lo transforma. La muerte abrupta. Omnipotente.
La muerte y su silencio. El desgarro.
Tanta liviandad y luego su peso. Su peso y su tormento. Nunca seremos vencedores. Entonces temo. Imploro fe, convicción, esperanza. Pero en verdad temo. Cómo resignarse a esta soledad. A este vacío.
August 28, 2008
From Denmark
A mis ojos, ellos representan esa fuerza interior que todos llevamos dentro, en algún lugar...
Porque se pueden hacer cosas, porque los pequeños cambios tienen sentido...
Desde acá, vuelvo a soñar con transformar el mundo, me reencuentro conmigo en lo más profundo, e intento expandir y proyectar estas ganas enormes de aportar un granito de arena. De pronto, todo el camino recorrido empieza a tener sentido.
(Thanks Albana for sharing your knowledge and bringing back the inspiration)
August 15, 2008
Viajando al sur del continente. El atardecer celeste, naranjo. Los aromos en flor por la orilla del camino. Los cerros, coronados de pinos verdes. En los oídos, Kings of Convenience, Misread. Vengo de regreso. De despedida. Pienso en las conversaciones que tuve. Pienso en las conversaciones que dejé de tener. Respiro profundo, como tratando de limpiar los pulmones con este aire frío. Traigo las pupilas con nieve y montaña. Me acerco al río, al mar. Menos de siete noches y estaré volando al norte. De regreso también, a ese otro continente.
July 03, 2008
May 12, 2008
May 01, 2008
April 23, 2008
April 21, 2008
April 01, 2008
March 15, 2008
Barcelona, Roma, Florencia, Venecia, Paris.
Me espera Bruselas, Holanda, Berlín, Praga.
Tengo los ojos iluminados, me siento viva, dueña de mí.
A veces, me siento sobreestimulada, y necesito descansar en un banco cualquiera, sacar mi libreta y ponerme a escribir. En ocasiones, arrebatos de identidad me sorprenden al rebelarme contra un monumento, un lugar cargado de historia, un desconocido. Y me siento orgullosa de ser distinta, de tener pensamiento propio, postura frente al mundo.
Ahora llueve, y me tengo que ir.
Un beso.
February 26, 2008
Yo hago lo mío y tú haces lo tuyo.
No estoy en este mundo para llenar tus expectativas.
Y tú no estás en este mundo para llenar las mías.
Tú eres tú y yo soy yo.
Y si por casualidad nos encontramos es hermoso.
Si no, no puede remediarse.
February 24, 2008
February 07, 2008
February 04, 2008
January 30, 2008
January 29, 2008
January 21, 2008
Segunda voz
El cantante desconocido me deslumbró con su expresión de plenitud. Sus brazos golpeando con fuerza el tambor. Su cara iluminada entonando melodías balcánicas. Todo en él era agradable, todo era pasión y fiesta. Me sentí feliz de verlo, observarlo, bailar con él en la distancia, entre la gente emocionada. Su sonrisa al cantar coronó mi noche de domingo.
Antes de que dejara el escenario, guardé esa imagen en mi memoria, y me llevé conmigo su sonrisa. Son los recuerdos que quiero conservar, como dice Benedetti, "las nostalgias que descongelarán algún futuro".
January 14, 2008
Yo te miro de reojo, como sin querer verte. Tú no dices nada. Comienzo a soltarme, de a poco voy liberando la presión en tu espalda. Tú te das la vuelta y veo tu piel que se aleja marcada con mis dedos. Yo me quedo sola en medio de un salón vacío. Afuera hay regadores soleados que mojan el insolente pasto verde.
January 03, 2008
Cómo será verlos a ellos... verlo a él... tocar su rostro, permanecer en un abrazo, saciar mi curiosidad por sus rutinas, sus tentaciones, sus fracasos. Sentir sus penas, sus grandezas, examinar sus gestos, contrapreguntarle.
Cómo será para él verme a mí, con mis debilidades y mis sustos, con mi miedo al rechazo y mis ganas de querer, de cambiar aún el mundo... con el idealismo adolescente aferrado a la carne, con estas ganas locas de vivir, de que algo ocurra.
Sabrá lo determinante que resulta en mí este encuentro? Por algún extraño motivo, él me hace sentir que hay gente allá afuera que puede ser completamente diferente a mí, pero a la que me une un vínculo que todo lo trasciende. Como decía Sábato, algo que nos hace buscarnos alrededor de la Tierra.
Con él comparto tal vez cierta humanidad que me conmueve y que me llena de esperanzas. La posibilidad de que todo eso sea una simple idealización me aterra. De que al encontrarnos en algún aeropuerto, en algún puente o en un parque, el silencio entre nosotros no sea de reconocimiento mutuo, sino de ausencia de experiencias compartidas; que una extraña incomodidad nos invada, y que el abrazo parezca demasiado largo o las miradas insistentes.
Me da pudor reconocer cuánto quiero verlos, cuánto quiero verte, y cuan profundamente espero encontrar en ti un amigo; reconocerte, comenzar lo que nunca comenzamos: conocernos de verdad, como hemos hecho en las letras que escribimos hace un tiempo. Quiero verte, observarte, escucharte, conversarte, reírme contigo, mostrarte mis sueños, llorar y emocionarme construyendo futuro. Quiero saber que después de que regrese, tú vendrás a Chile, al menos en pensamiento, y que recorreremos juntos esta patria mía generosa y abundante. Quiero dejarte una parte de mí, y una parte de mi historia. Un trozo de este otro Chile, que existe y palpita bajo lo aparente. Quiero sentirme viva contigo, porque sé que como en ellos, hay algo poderoso en ti que me eleva y que me salva.